About Us

Established in 1987, Truro Whiteface is run by the Hann Family- Scott & Pip and their two daughters Tilly & Sophie. Breeding both Hereford and Poll Hereford cattle, Truro has over 200 registered females and runs a herd of approximately 500.

Located on two properties 34kms east of Bellata, NSW, Truro used both Australian and International genetics in their pursuit of excellence in breeding modern, quality, cattle that will perform in any herd.

The focus at Truro Whiteface is to breed modern cattle, with concentration on improving muscle content and IMF, while also ensuring they have good skin and hair, are easy doing and have a good temperament

Utilising Breedplan to further develop their herd, Scott and Pip, along with their girls, strive to lower birthweights with positive calving ease figures and structural correctness.

Preforming well on grass and in the feedlot, Truro cattle are backed by outstanding genetics with Scott and Pip always aiming to improve and source new genetics.

Truro holds two sales a year, in Spring and Autumn, falling in February and August. The Autumn sale is run under a Helmsman system and the Spring Sale held as an auction, both interfaced online with AuctionsPlus- a major bonus if you can’t make it to the sale in person.  

Truro Whiteface is on social media, having YouTube, Facebook and Instagram- follow them to keep up to date with all news and events.

Scott and Pip, and their girls, welcome visitors all year round to come and view their herd, inspections available at time convenient to you.